I have a nice big Narnia poster. I wonder: would you like to give it away as part of some sort of contest on your blogsite?
Hmmm...a contest? Let's see...who can bake the best chocolate chip cookies? the best essay on "My Favorite Blogsite" or "My Favorite Pastor"?
I've got it! The best limerick with Phil in it. Entries must be in by 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. Email them to me at We are having a pastoral staff party tomorrow night. I'll read them then and let the group vote on the best.
A limerick is a five line poem. Here are examples to get the rhythm or steal ideas.
There was a tall preacher named Phil,
Who played basketball all day until,
His wife called him home,
And his hair she did comb,
Then made him sit down for a meal.
A preacher and his wife had five kids,
Who at the table would make bids,
To see who would get,
The parents to let,
Them drink their milk without lids.
Said Phil one Sunday to his church,
"I'm afraid I'm stuck in a lurch.
My sermon, you see,
Got stuck in a tree,
And there, alas, it does perch!"