Saturday, July 13, 2013

Liam on BBC

This weekend Liam is in Portstewart (on the north end of Northern Ireland) speaking at the centenary celebration of their Keswick Convention. Tomorrow he will preach at Portstewart Presbyterian church and the sermon will be picked up by the BBC as part of their Radio Ulster Morning Service. He preaches at, gulp, 4:15 am our time.

Don't worry: this is no test of holiness! It looks like the recording will be up all week. You can listen here.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Be Aware

Proverbs 16:30

Whoever winks his eyes plans dishonest things;
he who purses his lips brings evil to pass.

Be aware of the subtlety by which the wicked deceive - the unscrupulous salesman and the stranger who seem overly familiar with you; the caller who has a "great deal" for you; the "friend" who wants to show you something new. There are many people who wickedly want to harm you or take advantage of you. There are many more who just want to make an extra dollar or close a deal that is not necessarily bad but may not be best for you.
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Romans in 24 Hours

Join Liam Goligher, Sinclair Ferguson, and Mark Johnston as they present “Romans in 24 Hours: The Gospel, Pure and Simple.” October 25–26, 2013 at Proclamation Presbyterian Church. More information may be found here.

Fridays Off

Beginning tomorrow, the church office will be closed on Fridays through August 16. If you have a pastoral need, you can still call in to the office at 215.735.7688 and leave a message for Marion Clark on extension 245, or email him at mclark(AT)

Performance of The Great Divorce

The Templeton Honors College is pleased to present a free performance of C. S. Lewis' The Great Divorce, a solo performance by the well-reputed Tony Lawton.
Thursday, July 18th, 2013, Showtime: 8:00–9:30pm (Doors close at 7:55pm)
McInnis Auditorium, Eastern University—300 Eagle Road, St. Davids, PA 19087
Admission is free! (Though contributions will be accepted at the show.) Seating capacity is 275. Since this is an open event, seating will need to work on a first-come, first-serve basis. Contact Evan Hewitt with questions (610-225-5473).

Last Sunday for Bookstore

This Sunday is the last Sunday that Tenth's bookstore will be open. Most books are now 60% off. There are many booklets for $1 and $1.50. The store is open following the three worship services.

Female Housemate

I'm looking for a female housemate--spacious bedroom (>221 sq. ft.) in a two-bedroom, West Philly apartment available September 1st ($800 + utilities/month). Private entrance, hardwood floors, central air, full bath, full kitchen w/ granite countertops and dishwasher. Laundry facilities are in the building. The apt is near the intersection of 44th St & Osage Ave. Please email Emily at, if interested. (I'm a Christian, a non-smoker, and a quiet introvert.)


Proverbs 16:29

A man of violence entices his neighbor
and leads him in a way that is not good.

First the violent man must entice his neighbor. Somehow he must win his neighbor over, pretending to offer something pleasurable. How does he do that? The neighbor must either be completely deceived into thinking that he is being offered something honorably good, or his sinful desires must be stirred. Thus, we must be doubly guarded. There is the enticement of the magazine covers as we walk by the stands appealing to our lust. We must be on our guard not to yield to such temptation. There is also the enticement to help someone who seems to be in need yet really is taking advantage of our kindness to take from us or assist him in doing wrong.
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Gospel of Man, I

Below is Sunday's sermon.

The Gospel of Man, I
Acts 15:1-5     D. Marion Clark


For the next two Sundays, we are going to examine two alternative gospels to the gospel. They are two sides of the coin that can be labeled the gospel of man. They are quite popular, so popular that their adherents exceed those of the gospel of Christ. And so we would do well to understand their popularity if only to better understand our neighbors who are adherents. And we would do well to examine ourselves to discern how much of the gospel of man might be mixed into the gospel of Christ.
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Grace & Peace Camp

Catch up with the summer camp at Grace & Peace at

SMI in N. Philly

You can keep up with daily reports of SMI (Summer Medical Institute) at Read "You can't tell me He's not great."

Welcome, Hannah Hae-Eun Marguerite!

Matt and Grace Ayres are pleased to announce the birth of Hannah Hae-Eun Marguerite, 7 lbs, 8 oz, born July 9.


Proverbs 16:28

A dishonest man spreads strife,
and a whisperer separates close friends.

"Did you hear about Joe?"
"I know I probably shouldn't be saying this, but I thought you had a right to know."
"What's going on between that couple? I bet it has to do with..."
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Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Sunday Services 7/14/2013

Join us this Sunday for our services.
AM (9 & 11): Rev. D. Marion Clark preaching, “The Gospel of Man, II” (Judges 17:6). Hymns: Now Blessed Be the Lord Our God; O Thou Who the Shepherd of Israel Art; Jesus, Lover of My Soul
PM (Soli Deo Gloria 6:15): Eve Hyzer, mezzo soprano; Matt Hyzer, piano
(6:30): Dr. K. Scott Oliphint preaching, “Paying Attention” (Hebrews 2:1–4). Hymns: Join All the Glorious Names; I Know Whom I Have Believed; Arise, My Soul, Arise

THE Bad Character

Proverbs 16:27

A worthless man plots evil,
and his speech is like a scorching fire.

Literally, the worthless man digs up evil. Like an archeologist diligently digging for precious artifacts, he labors to come up with something evil to do. Talk about bad breath, his is like scorching fire. He uses speech for wicked ends, to do harm. This is the first of three proverbs that speak of the "bad character" - the worthless man, the dishonest man, and the man of violence.
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Monday, July 08, 2013

Got a Bike for Sale?

My bike is getting to the point where it is no longer worth trying to repair, and as it is currently unrideable, I have decided that now is a good time to start looking for a new one.  I'm hoping to get something cheap.  If you happen to have a bicycle that you could sell for a very low price, I would be interested in taking a look.  Please contact me at if you have any info. Thanks!


Household Items for Sale

Household items to sell, if interested call Anu at 215-206-3683 or e-mail
Measurements are estimated and price is not set.

1. Collapsible table – almost like a folding table with an attached unit for a computer comes with a chair. 30
2.White shelve unit w five levels 5 feet tall a foot wide good for bathroom and small narrow areas. 20
3.Ikea book shelf wooden (pine)? 4 levels tall I think 3.5 feet wide. Good for book or clothing 35
4.Ikea small dresser with three draws blue good for socks and undies. 25Read more »

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Good Appetite

Proverbs 16:26

A worker’s appetite works for him;
his mouth urges him on.

Our appetite motivates us to produce. Hunger will drive even the laziest of persons to work to satisfy his hunger pain. How can you get a stubborn mule to walk? Hold an apple in front of him. It is a basic principle that success is predicated on hunger. It has become a sports cliché. Who will be the winner depends on who wants to win the most, who is the hungriest.
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