Ruling Elders
Class of 2010 - Bryce Bartruff, Pat Canavan, Ron Ferner, Michael Kennedy, Carlos Perkins, Bob Sharrar, Hugh Taylor
Class of 2011 - Doug DeLong, Tom Elliott, Andrew Fletcher, Paul Grant, Sam Hsu, Bill Langford
Class of 2012 - Dave Collins, Brian Esterly, Nasrat Ghattas, Fred Hill, George McFarland, Wasyl Semkiw
Class of 2010 - Dave Allen, Manny Delgado, Sebastien Demoiny, Reggie James, Clark McCutcheon, Brian McLelland, Mike Rooney, Jeff Wilson, Andy Zamora, Julio Zamora
Class of 2011 - Keith Bennett, Jonathan Brandenburg, Jamin Ferner, Tom Jackson, Dan Kunkle, Moses Wong
Class of 2012 - Jonathan McCarthy, Andy Owens, Brandon Placek, Frank Pulcini, Stan Roberts, Jeff Thompson, Martin Troutman, John Voorhis
Class of 2010 - Sandy Allen, Amy Potts, Celia Rooney, Retna Slater, Elaine Swyer
Class of 2011 - Fiona Davenport, Sara Demoiny, Judy Kuo, Signe Spragins, Maxine Young
Class of 2012 - Amy Carpenter, Joyce Ostertag, Janice Roberts, Sarah Staley, Audrey Thomspon, Mimi Warburton