Friday, January 27, 2012

Emails Complete!

I did not think it could happen, but I have emptied my email box on this last week day before sabbatical. Emails sent to me while I am away to May 4 will read something like this: "I am away on sabbatical until May 4. Dot Boersma ( and Nancy Hala ( will be able to direct you to the right person you need." I will be in the 9:00 worship service this Sunday and then the sabbatical begins!

Memorial Recital for Sam Hsu

On Sunday, February 5, 2012, at 2 PM, Dr. Samuel Hsu will be given a memorial tribute at the annual recital he organized for the last  five years at Rock Hall Auditorium which is located at 1700 N. Broad Street (2nd floor), on the NE Corner of Broad Street and Cecil B. Moore Avenue.

The recital, which is sponsored by the Philadelphia Music Teachers Association, will begin with a tribute to Dr. Hsu by his friend, Kile Smith, and includes a duo-piano performance of the Schubert F minor Fantasy in his memory by his student Ephraim Schafli together with Dr. Michael Sheadel among others. It will continue with performances by some of the area’s most talented young pianists.
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A Lunchtime Concert, "Single Voice Polyphony"

The Marinus Ensemble presents a concert of J.S. Bach. Please join them for this unusual concert at the Church of the Holy Trinity on Rittenhouse Square (19th and Walnut in Philadelphia) on Wednesday, February 1, 2012 from 12:30pm until 2:00pm. Cellist Joseph Kuipers will be featured as the ensemble performs the following:
Suite No. 1 in G major for Cello Solo BWV 1007
Suite No. 3 in C major for Cello Solo BWV 1009
Suite No. 5 in C minor for Cello Solo BWV 1011
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Lunar New Year Dinner Saturday night

Tenth International Fellowship is very excited about our Lunar New Year celebration tomorrow night, Saturday, January 28. The festivities begin at 5:30 pm, at Tenth Presbyterian Church, in Fellowship Hall.

We will enjoy a wonderful meal, courtesy of WOK on Walnut Street. Then a whirlwind evening of music, in English and Chinese, and special speakers.

Cost is $7/working adult. All others are free. You can still register here, or you can register at the door.

Are You Able to Host a Student for a Weekend?

Reformed University Fellowship is still in need of housing for 25 college students February 3–5 during their spring training conference. Contact Melynn Freeman by email or by phone at 806.290.7925, or register on their website.

Donate Your Old Apple Electronics

Maranatha could make good use of an iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch, and a MacBook or MacBook Pro. Have you upgraded recently and would like to donate you old equipment? Please contact Darv Dombach at 215-870-3730 or by email.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Esperanza: One of Tenth's City Partners

Compelled by the love of God in Christ Jesus, in cooperation with the Church and others, Esperanza Health Center is a multi-cultural ministry providing holistic healthcare to the Latino and underserved communities of Philadelphia. Find out more here.

Worship in the Catacombs

Have you noticed the 11:00 service getting a bit crowded? The numbers are back on the rise. To meet this "problem," we are reintroducing a practice from the '90s which turned out to be perhaps the single greatest factor in building parish identification. Beginning February 12, we encourage Tenth members to worship in the Catacombs on a rotation based on parishes.
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Walk with Hagar, March 3rd, at Tenth

Walking with Hagar and Her Children is the Urban Ministry Conference workshop by Alpha Pregnancy Services' Karen Hess and Kim Bennett. The current economy, public education challenges, health care system limitations, and an entitlement attitude have opened new doors for pregnancy resource ministries in Philadelphia. Women and children are more vulnerable than ever! This workshop will help prepare you to answer the hard questions related to abortion and the value of life. Come and learn strategies of how you can minister to the underserved and partner with Alpha. For more details click here.

Where are the Tenth men?

A female Bible study leader at the Philadelphia Federal Prison bemoans the fact that all our male volunteers have stepped down for health and other reasons. "I consistently have 10-15 men participate with me. So many more want a Bible study in the other floors/areas. We need more men!" ACTS Ministries has been bringing the Word to these inmates for twelve years. Interested Tenth members should email David Apple or call 215-735-7688. Training and support are provided.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

March 3 Urban Ministry Conference Workshop

What do prostitutes, the homeless, and people infected with HIV teach us about God’s compassionate love for the poor and marginalized? Cassandra Jackson, Esperanza Health Center, presents Experiencing God While Serving His People. This workshop examines how God’s grace transformed a broken person into one with the mission of working to develop rich and eternal mentoring relationships. Come explore how God could use your brokenness to minister to others. Click here or more details.

Covenant Children Communicants

This Sunday is a special treat in both morning services, as our covenant children will be coming forward for public reception as communicant members. The number is close to thirty, so there will be a batch in each service. Check the Sunday bulletin, which is posted online each Friday, for a listing of the children.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marketing Position Desired

Tenth member and tutor Susi Neely asked for this resume to be posted of a student who attends the Friday night tutoring class.
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While I Am Away

"Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy..."

Sorry, doing a little daydreaming. We had a full staff meeting today, and the staff reaffirmed their joy in my leaving next week on sabbatical. As I parceled out my duties, it was a bit surprising to find out how little I actually do, which is always a danger when going away for a length of time.
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Sunday Services 1/29/2012

Join us this Sunday for our services.
AM (9 & 11): Dr. Liam Goligher preaching “Of Fools and Kings” (1 Samuel 25:1–44). Hymns: When Morning Guilds the Skies; Breathe on Me, Breath of God; Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak.
PM (6:30): Dr. Liam Goligher preaching “A Seismic Shift” (Acts 10:1–23a). Hymns: O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing; The Lord Will Come and Not Be Slow; The Church’s One Foundation.

March 3rd Urban Ministry Conference workshop

Compassion Not Condescension: Engaging the Least, the Last, and the Lost with the Gospel: Pastor Doug Logan, Epiphany Fellowship Camden. As we explore the ministry of compassion that Jesus lived, led, and loved, we will seek to discover ways in which we can move from looking down on people in need to calling them to look up to God through the gospel of Jesus Christ. The goal of this workshop is to shape people who will shape ministries in churches, who will reshape how we do mercy ministry in our churches in practical ways—through a lens of recognition that we all are in need of compassion, to therefore have a compassion that reflects the compassion that we’ve received from Jesus, and an understanding of how that applies to our mission. Click here for more details.

UMC March 3

Tenth's annual Urban Ministry Conference is Saturday, March 3. Workshops by urban ministry partners will explore how the Church represents the hands of Jesus to a suffering world. They will challenge us, also, to “unwrap the grave cloths” of those left for dead, and to care for the broken and weak, the vulnerable and unwanted. Click here for full details.

ServSafe Person Needed

ACTS Community Dinner needs a Tenth member onsite who has “ServSafe” food prep accreditation. If you are available 2nd Sundays contact David Apple at

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy 90th Birthday to Rose Keshishian

Clive and Millie Stockdale submitted the following posting, and we join them in thanking God for Rose and for the blessing she has been in the lives of many people at Tenth Church:

Rose Keshishian, who has been at Tenth since 1955, will be celebrating her 90th birthday on February 5. Through the years Rose has used her many creative abilities in helping with many church dinners and receptions, and most recently with counting the offerings. Whatever people have asked of her she has willingly done. Happy Birthday, Rose!

Donations of electronics for overseas pastors

Donations of used digital cameras, laptop computers, and cell phones (in working order) can be given for Bruce McDowell to take for pastors in Colombia and Liberia. You may drop them off in the mailroom at Tenth indicating that they are for Global Outreach.