Friday, April 27, 2012

Honoring the Fallen

After "Taps" sounded, the flag was folded. The honor guard stood facing the flag recipient, Kate Apple, holding the folded flag waist-high with the straight edge facing her. He knelt on one knee in front of Kate and solemnly presented the flag to her, saying: "Ma'm, this flag is presented on behalf of a grateful nation and the President of the United States as an expression of appreciation for the honorable and faithful service rendered by your loved one [Staff Sergeant Edward J. Kiersten]."

Looking for Summer Internship in Photography/Design

My name is Christina Mun. I am 17 years-old and will be a senior next year at Upper Dublin High School. I am an experienced photographer, and I am considering majoring in photography or graphic design when I go to college. I would love to find an internship in photography or graphic design for this summer (July/August). I have references and would be happy to send my resume. Please email me if you would have a position available. Thank you!

Geraniums for Sale

Red, pink, white, and fuchsia 4 1/2" pots for only $3.50 each will be available on Thursday, 5/10 and Friday, 5/11 at the Media Youth Center located on Youth Way, Media, PA. Please contact Jennifer Stanfield by fax (610-566-6896) or phone (610-566-4342) with questions. Proceeds from the sale benefit Delaware County Women Against Rape.

Lecture on Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

On Friday, May 18 at 7:00 pm at Proclamation Presbyterian Church in Bryn Mawr, Rev. Iain H. Murray will give an address on "D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The Life and Legacy of an Iconic Preacher." The event is free and parking is available. For further details visit Proclamation's website.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Sunday Services 4/29/2012

Join us this Sunday for our services.
AM (9 & 11): Dr. Liam Goligher preaching, “Here Comes the King” (2 Samuel 5:1–25). Hymns: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God; Awake, My Soul, Stretch Every Nerve; The Lord Will Come and Not Be Slow.
PM (6:30): Dr. Liam Goligher preaching, “War on Heresy” (Acts 15:22–29). Hymns: Of the Father’s Love Begotten; My Faith Has Found a Resting Place; Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Proposed Building Acquisition

The Session and Trustees have called for a meeting of the congregation and the corporation of Tenth Presbyterian Church immediately following the 11 am service this Sunday, April 29, 2012. If you are a communicant member of the congregation, you are encouraged to attend. Childcare will be provided.
The congregation will discuss and vote on the following motion:

In accordance with the Session Resolution passed April 24, 2012, we, the members of Tenth Presbyterian Church, resolve. . .
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Grace and Peace Community Church

Grace and Peace Community Church in South Philadelphia (our daughter church) has a blog for both internal and external communications.  See what's happening in the life our brothers and sisters in South Philly:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The End is Near

Journeying with Jesus – Being a Witness in the Workplace

All healthcare students and professionals are invited to a luncheon on Sunday, May 6, 12:45-2:00 pm, in Fellowship Hall. Dr. Bob Snyder will speak on "Journeying with Jesus - Being a Witness in the Workplace."

Dr. Snyder is the President of International Health Services which seeks to equip health providers to integrate their personal faith in Jesus with their medical practice. IHS promotes this through its International Saline training--training in being salt and light in a healthcare context.

Interested in Cross-Cultural Service?

DISCOVERY is a regional group of people of all ages exploring the possibility of serving God in missions. DISCOVERY meets every 2-3 months as an informal “community” to offer fellowship, encouragement, prayer, and information about cross-cultural ministry. Go to for information about the next meeting on June 2 where we will discuss “How do I know God wants me in missions?”

Monday, April 23, 2012

Free Bedroom Furniture

Free Bedroom Furniture and assortment of household items: 1 Twin Bedroom set plus Two Additional Twin Beds.

A matching set of a twin bed, tall dresser, and wide/long dresser from Pier One.
2 rather worn wooden twin bed frames with mattresses that are 15 years old, but good quality matresses.
Ikea leather couch, 15 years old.
Ikea pots and assorted kitchen items.
Assorted storage containers, rugs, chairs, flower pots, glass outdoor dining patio table, and more.

If interested in seeing any of these things, I am available to meet you at the house any evening but Monday or Wednesday of this week.
