Friday, October 19, 2007

On the ball!

Just for the record, our Executive Minister submitted this year's first Missionopoly registration form with check attached and everything. Is he on the ball or what?

All of you are cordially invited to join him at Missionopoly on November 3, 2007, with registration starting at 5:00 pm. To RSVP, please fill out the registration form in last week's bulletin (or in the Delancey Lobby and Narthex) and drop it in the offering plate, the oak boxes, or Liz Mosebrook's box. For simplicity's sake, please follow Marion's excellent example and attach your check or cash to your form.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Jacob Allen, the autistic hiker who has been lost since Sunday, has been found! Click here.

Sunday Baptisms

Praise God for the children who are being baptized at the 9:00 am service:
Noah Gabriel Gentile, born April 5, 2005, son of Jeffrey and Michelle Gentile

Praise God for the children who are being baptized at the 11:00 am service:
Lucas James Crowley, born February 15, 2007, son of Keith and Brooke Crowley
Emmett Hadriel Megill, born September 20, 2007, son of Matthew and Tara Megill
Katherine Elizabeth Milligan, born April 15, 2007, daughter of James and Sarah Milligan
David Emmanuel Peterman, born May 30, 2007, son of Timothy and Sarah Peterman
Ethan Thomas Plut, born May 23, 2007, son of Thomas and Gwen Plut

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joining the Church

Our daughter church, Cresheim Valley, is receiving its first adult members October 28. Fifty-one people are expected to join. We rejoice in this milestone event.

The church meets at 10:30 at 8425 Germantown Avenue in Chestnut Hall. John Leonard is the pastor.

Arts & Crafts Fair

My condo building is putting on an Arts & Crafts fair this Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm. I live at 2601 Pennsylvania Avenue, directly across Kelly Drive from the Water Works and beside the new Art Museum Annex. There will be 27 booths. Combine a visit with attending the Art Museum Annex, which is free until the end of the year.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

FBS Help

Fellowship Bible Study needs your help. This weekly Sunday ministry to the homeless provides Bible study and a meal. This is the most effective ministry we have to the homeless in terms of establishing long-term relationships and ongoing Bible teaching. Can you help with meals? They need help with meal preparation, servers, setup & cleanup. You can volunteer weekly or monthly. The great need is for consistent help. The study and meal is from 4:00 - 6:15. Contact David Apple at the church (215.735.7688x224; for more information.

Emergency Prayer Alert

Jim and Karen Allen's 18 year old autistic son is missing on a wilderness hike. They were members at Tenth in the early 80's. They left Philadelphia and spent 2 years as missionaries in Nepal before they came back and settled in the area where they now live.

Helping the Poor

How to Help the Poor Without Hurting Them” – It is exciting to see many Christians being awakened to the biblical mandate to serve the poor. However, good intentions are not enough. Helping the poor requires a sound diagnosis of the causes of poverty so that appropriate remedies can be applied. In fact, if we are not careful, our efforts to help the poor can actually end up hurting them. This ministry training session will be taught by Dr. Brian Fikkert, Founder and Executive Director of the Chalmers Center for Economic Development at Covenant College. It will provide a biblical framework for thinking about poverty and will articulate sound principles that have proven effective in helping the poor both in the U.S. and abroad.

Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 9:00 am – 12:00 noon
New Life Presbyterian Church, Glenside, PA

Behind Bars

Why is scaffolding around William Penn on top of City Hall? Click here to find out.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Art Museum Area Apartment Available

Quiet street, family neighborhood, 2br/$1275.00 with heat included.
In a desirable neighborhood in the Art Museum area, a clean two bedroom apt., bright wood floor eat-in-kitchen, dishwasher, disposal, microwave oven, lovely living room area, air conditioning, washer/dryer, and lots of storage is now available.
Heat and water/sewer is included.
No animals please.
Call for an appointment.

Singing Sparrows

Hi Marion and happy Monday morning:

I know you and the staff must get numerous comments from people about how they don't feel various ministry things working well etc. So I thought you all should start your day with a bit of encouragement. Vicky and I went to the Sparrows event (as we have for years now). It was great to see how the ministry has grown and thrived over the last 10 years. I remember the early years when it was maybe 15 people or so total. Saturday we had 20 adults (many of them not moms) and probably close to 30 girls of all ages. What a joy it was to watch them interact with each other, listen attentively to the message, and help and spur each other on creatively with the craft. After the craft we always take a group picture for Dori's records. This time we wanted to have everyone in the shot, including Dori, so while Dori went to ask the sexton to come take the picture, Cheryl got the girls all lined up. It took awhile to get the sexton, change camera batteries, etc., and while they waited someone started singing a hymn to keep the girls from breaking ranks. Well, I'll tell you it was certainly a testimony to the Schola and Praisemakers initiatives. (And Dr. Jones' work in general with hymnody and church music.) These girls sang, sang well, knew the words, and asked for another when they finished the first... it was great to hear and see. I just wanted the staff to know that the fruit of many different tendrils of the vine of Tenth's ministry. The resources and prayer given to them was strongly evident to many on Saturday afternoon.

Sylvia Duggan