Thursday, September 07, 2006

From Texas

Had an enjoyable read of Rumpole and the Golden Thread, by John Mortimer. Am now reading the Phillips' new book Holding Hands, Holding Hearts in preparation for their upcoming seminar on dating at Tenth, the end of the month. Also have begun The Aenied. It has been a relaxing vacation so far, notwithstanding watching the Phillies lose last night to the Houston Astros. I anticipate better results for the Eagles against the Houston Texans. Tomorrow we head for Galveston.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Baby Shower

TenthWomen will be hosting a shower for Alpha Pregnancy Services on Saturday, September 30, 2-4 pm in the New Nursery at the Alliance Building. There will be speakers from Alpha and an opportunity to create a little keepsake for the Alpha Moms-to-be. Light refreshments will be served.

Suggested items to donate are newborn sized baby basics (new or gently used), such as tee shirts, sleeping gowns, receiving blankets, socks, bibs, hooded towels, cloth diapers, baby toiletries, disposable diapers, etc.

If you are unable to attend the shower, please feel free to bring your unwrapped items to the drop off boxes that will be placed in the Delancey Street lobby and in the Alliance Nursery on Sunday, September 24. (Please note we will only be collecting this one Sunday before the shower).

RSVPs are required to Gina Glennon at so that we may plan for seating and refreshments.

Please Pray

Please pray for Carroll Wynne, retreat speaker for the 9th and 10th graders of Delaware County Christian School. The retreat is at Keswick tomorrow and Friday (9/7,8). Pray too for Adam Brice who is speaking to the DC 11th and 12th graders who are currently on retreat at Sandy Cove.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

He's Back; I'm Gone

Phil, our fearless leader, should be back after three months of sabbatical/vacation/mission trips. I, on the other hand, have skipped out of town with a vow not to look at my church emails until I return to the church on the 12th. Enjoyed a visit to the NASA facilities yesterday. Am relaxing today and avoiding any decision making.

Monday, September 04, 2006


I am sitting in the apartment of my daughter and son-in-law (Lucas & Jean Hilliard) in Houston. Here is a picture of Peanut, their baby.

Prayer Request

Please pray for Dot and her family, as her mother passed away suddenly last week. She is with the family now.

Sermon Posted

Sunday's sermon on prayer is posted on the DMC Messages link on the righthand column.