Friday, November 18, 2011

Me on Youtube

I just came across this video featuring me speaking at Tenth. You will have to get through the introductory music first, though.

Welcome, Justus Josue!

Omar and Jen Cedeno are pleased to announce the birth of Justus Josue, born today, November 18, at 2:07pm at 8 lbs, 2 oz. 

Sunday Marathon

The Philadelphia Marathon will be held this Sunday, beginning at 6:57 a.m. on the Ben Franklin Parkway. Here is the course map.

Job Opening for a Regional Director of Operations

Heritage Senior Living, LLC, a leader in senior housing with fifteen communities in PA, NJ, and Virginia is seeking a Regional Director of Operations to join our management team. They are seeking candidates with a proven track record of superior management skills and personal accountability, along with a true commitment to caring for seniors. MBA or equivalent experience preferred, exceptional compensation package. Please submit your resume to:

Heritage Senior Living, LLC
Attn:  David Lovitz
765 Skippack Pike, Suite 300
Blue Bell, PA  19422

or via fax: 215-793-4446

Food Drive Colletion

Just a reminder that donations for the SBRM food drive will be collected on Sunday 11/20. You may drop off your donations in Reception Hall. Thank you for your participation in this outreach to the poor and homeless of Philadelphia. Laura Leyh

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sunday lunch for job seekers

Looking for work? How can Tenth help you? Are there ways your brothers and sisters could encourage you? We want to hear your ideas. Come to the forum for job seekers this Sunday.

Lunch will begin at 12:45 in Delancey 1 West. Reserve your spot by emailing ttaylor(at) or calling the church office 215-735-7688.

Wedding Bells

Steve and Ellen Bachman rejoice in the recent marriage of their daughter Victoria to Kendrick Wiersma in Tuscon, AZ. They were married by Luke Evans, former intern at Christ the King Church in Conshohoken, and attend Rincon Valley PCA Church in Tuscon. They met at Calvin College. Kendrick is an electrical/ computer engineer for Raytheon Corporation.

Kristine at Grand Court

Letting you know that my daughter-in-law, Kristine Biller Mattson is the featured soloist with the Philadelphia Chamber Orchestra at Center City Macy's Grand Court on Saturday, November 19 from 1-1:15. The event is the unveiling of the store Christmas decor and the start of the Christmas Light Show. From a proud mother-in-law. Thought maybe members of Tenth who are Center City dwellers might want to attend the festivities there. Judith

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Difficult Days

My friend, Kathleen O'Hara, has begun a blog for those who, grieving the loss of a loved one, find the holidays particularly difficult. She is the author of "A Grief Like No Other." Click here for the blog.


Tenth members and graphic artists Gerhardt and Ute Ostertag have started an online store to market their unique "missiontools." Check it out at MadeByEasterday.

Small Groups

I think I have an accurate count of small groups - 57 in all. About 600 people attend, of which a little over 400 are communicant members (27% of our resident membership). What about you? Are you in a group? Would you like to belong to one? Start one? What kind - men's? women's? workplace? home? Skype? other? Interact with me and let's see if we can't get something new started that hasn't been considered before. Email me.

Job hunters unite!

In the run up to the Vocational Ministry kick off, many contacted the church saying that they were looking for work and wondered what Tenth offered them. As a follow up to those requests, Tenth is hosting a special lunch discussion this Sunday following the worship service.
If you are looking for work, you are invited to come and discuss how you think Tenth could help you and share your ideas on how believers can support one another through what is sometimes a grueling process.
Since we are providing lunch, we need to know if you intend to come. Please email ttaylor(at) or call the church office by Friday.

Musician Profiles

The chamber music recital to be held Friday night at 7:30 in the sanctuary features three musicians. Click their names for their profiles.
Sarah Shafer
Timothy Shafer
D. Ray McClellan

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

With Those Who Mourn

Be in prayer for Roz McKelvey (evening ASL interpreter), whose mother died last Thursday, for Lydia Brownback, whose father died last Wednesday, and for Dave Estabrook, whose father died this morning.

Seeking Wisdom

David Brooks, New York Times columnist and author, is asking people over the age of 70 to write a brief report on their life so far - an evaluation of what they did well (and not so well) and what they learned along the way. His reasons are that he believes there are too few formal moments of self-appraisal in our culture, and more importantly, that these essays will help young people understand how careers and families evolve and the blessings of modern adulthood. To participate, collect your insights and send them here. Brooks intends to publish columns and online reports around Thanksgiving.

Welcome, Samuel William!

The long, long awaited arrival of Samuel William, the grandson of Liam and Christine, occurred at 11:20 Scotland time this morning, 9lb, 11oz.

Welcoming strangers in true Thanksgiving style!

We have the opportunity to welcome strangers to our Thanksgiving tables this year in true Thanksgiving style. So far 47 international students have registered with our matching program. We anticipate receiving 60 or more requests from mostly nonreligious students from "closed" countries. This is almost triple the number of students we placed in homes last year!

Would you be willing to host 3-4 students at your Thanksgiving table this year? We still need an additional 6-8 hosts in order to adequately cover the incoming requests. If you're interested, please email Liz at

Monday, November 14, 2011

Cleese and Lewis

As surprising as a combination it may seem, John Cleese (yes, the Monty Python John Cleese) does a masterful job of reading C. S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters. Well, now that I think about, portraying a demon...

God is good

After unemployed Tenth member Roland Randolph spoke at the Back on My Feet banquet last week he was approached by someone in the audience with a job offer. Pray for today's interview. For more information on BOMF and how they have helped Roland, click here.

Drawing Away the Time

So, what do I do when the senior minister is away? I draw stick figures.

Chamber Music Recital

Come hear the works of Bach, Spohr, Schubert, Weber, Barber, Kovacs Liszt, whose 200th celebration is this year. Music will be performed by:
D. Ray McClellan, clarinet
Sarah Shafer, soprano
Timothy Shafer, piano

The concert is this Friday, November 18, beginning at 7:30 pm.

From ACTS Thanksgiving Community Dinner

On most second Sundays, I find myself thinking, "where are the new volunteers?" Yesterday there were many. Here are samples of conversation.
Me (to new host): Thank you for signing up.
Tenth member: I've wanted to serve in the ministry, but waited until now. I don’t know why I waited.
Me (to the over 45 wait-staff from Southwood Baptist Church, Woodbury): You outdid your youth group! Thank you for your zeal.
Southwood: Thank you for letting us serve.
Read more »

Using her gifts

Hosting at yesterday's ACTS Community Dinner: Sherry Fetterrolf shares the love of Christ and genuine hospitality. She does not let her physical disability hinder her Christian service.