I know you are making plans to attend the Eve of Christmas Eve service on the 23rd or the Christmas Eve service on the 24th, but have you been making plans for the New Year's Eve service?
The service runs from 9:00 - 10:30 and is composed of testimonies and hymns. We then break for an hour of refreshments and return to the sanctuary at 11:30 for a half hour Communion service.
Typically, people drift in throughout the evening, though the more early on, the more opportunity for testimonies to be shared and heard. There is no agenda, other than the Spirit leading whoever comes to testify what the Lord has done in his or her life during 2007. For a church that is not considered a let-me-share-what-the-Lord-has-done-for-me type, this is the one time of the year in which that is all we do.
So what has the Lord done for you this year? What does he have for you to share? Pray now about that and come tell your brothers and sisters what the Lord has done for you.