Evangelism Prayer
Bruce McDowell met with ______ this week to talk about his need of a relationship with God. Pray for the Lord’s working in _____’s heart.
Chris Seah asks prayer for the Lord’s working in _________, who attends his Bible study at Jefferson Medical College. She is a universalist, who believes that all religions have equal value and her husband is an atheist.
Pray for the salvation of __________ and his wife _____. ______ has been meeting with Bruce McDowell for Bible study. Both are theists but do not know which religion to pursue. Were visited recently by Jehovah's Witnesses and found them appealing and "logical."
________ asks prayer for God’s working in _______, his next door neighbor, with whom he shared the gospel, and for ________, another neighbor with whom he has spoken.
Pray that the Lord will use the TIF outing to the Mann Center this evening to build good relationships and to allow Christians present to share the gospel. Maranatha Chung asks prayer for the people from his ESL class is South Philadelphia who will be coming.
Do you have prayer requests? Email them to Cora. All staff email addresses are initial, name@tenth.org. We would love to have you come pray with us.