Thursday, September 03, 2009

September Events

The new church year is beginning. The bulletin lists the following activities starting back up:


4....Prayer for Evangelism

6....Auditions for Sinfonia Sacra
......Tenth Healthcare Fellowship lunch
......Christian Street outreach
......Registration for Schola Cantorum
......First choir rehearsal
......Global Outreach Prayer

8....Tenth Homeschool moms prayer meeting

9....South Jersy Women's Bible study book pick-up at Covenant Church in Cherry Hill

11...Women's Bible study at Grace Chapel in Havertown

12...Choral Workshop

13...Membership class begins
.......Preparation for Marriage class begins
.......Maranatha's kickoff
.......Children's Bible School kickoff
.......Community Dinner
.......Auditions for Sinfonia Sacra
.......Registration for Schola Cantorum
.......Praisemakers begins

19...Diaconal/Mercy Ministry training

20...Bridge Builders lunch
........Maranatha parents' information dinner
........First rehearsal of Tenth Women's Chorus
........First rehearsal of Tenth Men's Choir

25-26...Marriage Conference

27....Around the World in 80 Minutes lunch


Ginger and I leave tomorrow (Friday) for a week long vacation. Now that Phil is back, I am no longer needed. Go easy on him while I'm away.

Day of Prayer

This Sunday is the quarterly Day of Prayer. All the adult classes join together for prayer in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 and the 315 Building at 11:00. Jonathan Olsen will lead the 9:00 meeting and Carroll Wynne the 11:00.

Registration table

ACTS needs one additional person to take registration at the Septembet 19 mercy seminar. The time required is 8:45-10:00. Contact David Apple at

The Inside Track

David Apple's new mercy ministry website is featured in this church volunteer website.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Typhoon Morakot Team

Check out this 10 minute youtube video featuring a team that responded to the typhoon damage in Taiwan. Perhaps you'll recognize two Tenth members who joined in.

Con Artists to Single Parents

A complete listing of workshops and ministry presentations for Mercy and Deacon Training are now on the ACTS Ministries website Registration is still open.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Summer Reading

Besides keeping up with the baseball statistics of the Cardinals, Phil also did a little bit of reading during his sabbatical. Check out the 60 books he read.

Monday, August 31, 2009

He's Back

Well, he's back, but I'm not sure if Phil is truly back in mind and spirit. Really, why hang a hammock in his study? And what's with the bermuda shorts and flip-flops? We are going to have to work on re-adapting to his surroundings.