Thursday, September 03, 2009

September Events

The new church year is beginning. The bulletin lists the following activities starting back up:


4....Prayer for Evangelism

6....Auditions for Sinfonia Sacra
......Tenth Healthcare Fellowship lunch
......Christian Street outreach
......Registration for Schola Cantorum
......First choir rehearsal
......Global Outreach Prayer

8....Tenth Homeschool moms prayer meeting

9....South Jersy Women's Bible study book pick-up at Covenant Church in Cherry Hill

11...Women's Bible study at Grace Chapel in Havertown

12...Choral Workshop

13...Membership class begins
.......Preparation for Marriage class begins
.......Maranatha's kickoff
.......Children's Bible School kickoff
.......Community Dinner
.......Auditions for Sinfonia Sacra
.......Registration for Schola Cantorum
.......Praisemakers begins

19...Diaconal/Mercy Ministry training

20...Bridge Builders lunch
........Maranatha parents' information dinner
........First rehearsal of Tenth Women's Chorus
........First rehearsal of Tenth Men's Choir

25-26...Marriage Conference

27....Around the World in 80 Minutes lunch


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