Monday, July 28, 2008

mereBreath Drama

Since 1995, mereBreath Drama has produced thought-provoking original dramatic productions that illustrate the truths of scripture, under the sponsorship and guidance of Tenth Presbyterian Church.
MereBreath Drama avoids the trite formulas so prevalent in Christian theater-often two dimensional characters in clichéd situations offering shallow answers to unrealistic portrayals of life-and replaces them with gripping narratives and strong performances of real people caught up in the worst a fallen world has to offer, and finding their peace and release in true Biblical answers.
By dramatizing the genuine struggles of the Christian walk, and the reality of Jesus Christ manifesting in the lives of ordinary people, mereBreath performances have challenged, encouraged, convicted, comforted, and inspired thousands.
Asylum asked where is our lord in the midst of our suffering…
Perfect Justice explored the often-profound struggle to forgive…
Edifice flung conflicting ideologies into collision amidst disaster…
Skit portrayed those in ministry service as sinners in need of a savior…
The Eschaton envisioned a future where Christians are imprisoned for their faith in Christ…
The Inner Room revealed souls haunted by the sins of their past…
"I'd love to get involved, but..."
The success of mereBreath has, in many ways, also proven to be it's greatest hindrance. A frequent comment at Tenth Church has been, "I appreciate the work the ministry does, and I would love to get involved, but all of you travel so so hard...perform for so long...etc."
The director, stage manager, and pastoral staff have spent the last year exploring how mereBreath Drama could best adapt to fit the new emphasis of Tenth Church's outreach to the city of Philadelphia.
Local performances * Month-long seasons * Ministry-sponsored outreach performances * A commitment to excellence
If you have ever considered getting involved in this acclaimed drama outreach--as a performer, art, costume or set designer, sound or light technician, or even stagehand--this marks a new beginning and a fresh opportunity to use your talents for our Lord's kingdom.
To schedule an audition or to learn more, please email the ministry. Visit mereBreath Drama on the web.


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