Monday, June 28, 2010

the ways have been counted

dr ryken

thank you for accepting the call
thank you for taking up the mantle
thank you for filling the shoes
thank you for piloting the pulpit

thank you for submitting to the elders
thank you for using scripture to translate scripture
thank you for unfolding faith of our fathers
thank you for the gospel in eadh sermon
thank you for planting growing harvesting
thank you for bringing light into darkness
thank you for the exodus from egypt
thank you for the wilderness
thank you for the 10 commandments
thank you for art for God's sake
thank you for live webcasts & sermon audio
thank you for writing new hymns & spiritual songs
thank you for for reading us through 150 psalms
thank you for 15 years of your life
thank you for washing our feet
thank you for turning the other cheek
thank you for candlelit eves
thank you for sunrise services
thank you for all the seasons
thank you for the sacrements
thank you for baptizing marrying burying us
thank you for mammon & manna
thank you for fasting & breaking bread
thank you for pouring wine
thank you for prayer & intercession
thank you for suffering with us
thank you for celebrating with us
thank you for sharing with us
thank you for shepherding us
thank you for the rod & the staff
thank you for your beautiful wife & children
thank you for loving this body this family
thank you for living the faith in the city of brotherly love
thank you for uniting our congregation in spirit & blood
thank you for your academic ambition & true humility
you are not leaving Tenth
you are going to Wheaton
tried tested & triumphant in heart
with our's & God's blessing
what other credentials does one need
than willingness & Love of Christ
in this world & the one to come
stay hungry stay militant stay in awe & wonder of the Lord
now fight the good fight on new fronts
be refreshed on the Lord's Day again
childlike wise & resilient
forwardready & resolved to walk WITH God
til death or Christ Jesus return

love brian
a regular attender & worshipper
at tenth since december 1995


Blogger Rebecca said...

Amen and Amen.

8:16 PM  

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