Friday, November 16, 2012

Food Drive Reminder

“A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9

As we reflect on this season of thanksgiving, may we remember those who are less fortunate. This Sunday is the collection date for the Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission food drive. A mission that is dedicated to reaching out to the homeless and poor in Philadelphia. The mission provides not only for the physical needs of food, and shelter but also for the greater need of hearing the message of salvation through Christ.

Donations may be returned in either the brown bags distributed last week or any sturdy bag or box. Please no glass or perishable items. Suggested items include pasta, rice, beans, oatmeal ,cereal, soup crackers, canned : meat, fruit,or vegetables, Drink mixes, etc..

Donations may be dropped off in Reception Hall this Sunday only. If you are unable to be at Tenth this week but would still like to give, visit the Sunday Breakfast Mission's website for ways to donate. Thank you and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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