Thursday, August 18, 2011

Of Shepherding

I was Professor Clark this morning, speaking to a Westminster Seminary Class in "pastoral theology," i.e. "how to do church." I presented Tenth's system of providing shepherding care. Yes, there is a system. I've done this twice and feel a bit awkward, as I'm cautioning - "these are our goals"; "this is what we are trying to achieve," etc. It's the same way I feel in teaching on marriage. "Practical" lessons have a way of unnerving the teacher who is honest in how well his practice truly fits his teaching.

On the other hand, I did find myself encouraged as I realized that some of the goals are being realized in both the attitudes and practice of us elders. We serve more as a team; we think more in terms of being shepherds; the congregation itself has grown in its understanding of elders as shepherds. Even our failures underscore that change in mindset. Complaints about poor shepherding are as likely to be made of ruling elders as the teaching elders (pastors), which means that members regard the ruling elders as shepherds in the same manner they regard the church pastors. That in itself is a key understanding, as it is all the more difficult to shepherd people who don't know you are shepherds.

Pray for your shepherds. Next Tuesday night, we are all meeting together to keep developing means and sharpening ourselves to shepherd the Tenth flock.


Blogger Unknown said...

I will pray. You have all been good shepherds to me.

3:36 PM  

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