Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Singing the praises of Three Cups of Tea

You don't have to be an opera singer to enjoy Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson, our Global Outreach Conference book for 2009. But here's what our own Sheryl Woods Olson had to say about the book:

I read the book a couple of years ago and think everyone should. In my opinion, Mr. Mortenson has a much better understanding of the culture and people of that part of the world than an overwhelming percentage of Westerners.

His way of relating to people in their own cultural context - willingness to meet them on their own terms, to listen and ask questions, to work with their ideas instead of paternalistically imposing his own, openness to receiving from them - are ones that many effective global workers will attest to finding gracious and effective in opening people's hearts to the Gospel. While this is not seemingly Mortenson's primary purpose, his respect and compassion for these people, as well as his practicality and hard work on their behalf, are exemplary to those for whom it is.

[Three Cups of Tea] is a tremendous challenge to anyone who wants to be a vessel for the servant-love of Jesus. How terrific that you're offering it as recommended reading for the conference!



Anonymous Susanna said...

Thanks for posting, Liz. After reading the GO brochure that was in the bulletin Sunday, I came home and dug out our copy of the book. I'd never read it before, but Sunday afternoon I dove into it. It's probably one of the most well-written books I've ever read, and I am enjoying it TREMENDOUSLY! I'm so glad you suggested it as a way to prepare for the conference - I am learning so much about the region, the religion, etc. I would HIGHLY recommend the book to everyone - it's a must-read!!!


2:19 PM  

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