Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Veritas Forum

A committee of Christian students from Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges is hosting a Veritas Forum this week on their respective campuses. The Veritas Forum gives believing and non-believing students the opportunity to engage in dialogue on life's most difficult questions and to hear answers from a Christian worldview. The theme of this week's forum is suffering (i.e. If God is good, then why is there suffering in the world?). All are welcomed to attend either discussion. Haverford College will host the first Veritas conversation with guest speaker Dr. Ellen Charry this Wednesday, March 29 at 8pm in the Stokes Auditorium at Haverford College. Bryn Mawr College will host a second Veritas conversation with guest speaker Dr. Catherine Kroeger this Thursday, March 30 at 7pm in Carpenter Library room 21. Please pray that those who have ears will hear the message of the gospel.


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