Thursday, February 16, 2006


The date for the second Workshop on Biblical Exposition has been set: February 5-8 (to take advantage of Westminster's break between classes). This is the preaching conference we had a couple of weeks ago. To give an idea of its impact, here is a partial quote from a participant a couple of weeks ago:

"I have to admit, it was the most humbling, challenging experience I have had in a long time. I really struggled through each segment of the workshop as my deficiencies were uncovered. There were even times when I thought I had wasted 25 years of ministry because I was a pretend expositor.

"At the same time that I was being painfully challenged, I was being taught, corrected, equipped and encouraged to be the kind of bible student and preacher that God called me to be. All of you did an excellent job in showing how and what to do to press on. So I found myself humbled, feeling bad about not being the kind of preacher I needed to be for 25 years, and at the same time, praising God for not allowing me to go down that path any longer. He intervened and put me back on the right course so that the last years of my ministry can be more fruitful and God-honoring."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you mean February 5-8, 2007? Spring classes begin Thursday the 8th at 8:30 am. Thursdays are often full class days for M.Div. students.

7:22 PM  
Blogger M Clark said...

Yes, 2007.

11:20 AM  

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