Monday, August 08, 2005

The Baby Has Landed!

Ilsa Rebekah Messner has arrived! Baby and mother are doing well, though still waiting for a room (Pennsylvania Hospital). It seems a number of other babies wanted to come at the same time!


Blogger s duggan said...

Yipee, and welcome to our newest woman in the church and member of the West Philadelphia Tuesday women's Bible study!!!! We can't wait to meet her. Praise God that they are both doing well.

2:37 PM  
Blogger s duggan said...

Do you know who, if anyone is doing meal coordination for them? I know her parents are there right now so it might not be vital at the moment but it may be helpful anyway either now or when they leave. I only ask because last I knew they were still trying to arrange an active meal cooridnator for Parish 1 but my info may be out of date.

2:56 PM  
Blogger M Clark said...

No, I don't know. Would guess that the Nehemiah Project families would be involved. You might check with Jonathan Olsen.

4:59 PM  

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