Thursday, June 02, 2005


From Readers' Digest:

A word to all high school sports teams: Skill is overrated. Stagger your opponent with a confounding team nickname, just like these schools.

Danville Little Johns (Arkansas)
Dunn High School Earwigs (Los Olivos, CA)
Yuba City Honkers (CA)
Fisher Bunnies (Illinois)
Freeport Pretzels (Illinois)
Mt. Clemens Battling Bathers (Michigan)
Watersmeet Nimrods (Michigan)
Tillamook Cheesemakers (Oregon)
Explorations Academy Screaming Penquins (Washington)
Cardozo Clerks (Washington, D.C.)

Readers Digest overlooked my school: the Kingstree Boll Weevils!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the William Allen Canaries in Allentwon, PA!

11:03 AM  

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