Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Fencing the Table

The second paragraph of Sunday's text regarding The Lord's Supper reads: "Trusting Christ is not just an individual matter, however. It also involves a public confession of Christ leading to membership in his church. If you are not a member of an evangelical church, we welcome you in Christ's name but request that you communicate your faith in Christ to one of the leaders of the church before partaking. We can arrange such an opportunity if you desire it."

The PCA's Book of Church Order requires that participants either be members of an evangelical church or approved by the Session. Our Session entrusts the approval to be carried out by any member of Session. Why the screening process, which is known as "fencing the table"? The sacrament is an ordinance instituted by Christ for the benefit of his people. The very elements and enactment signify the spiritual communion of Christ with his people. Unlike the preaching of God's Word and of the Gospel which is to go out freely to everyone, the invitation to receive the sacrament representing Christ's body is limited to his people. We, of course, cannot know people's hearts, but the elders of the church are responsible before God to make a proper invitation with the outward means given us.

In light of this "fencing," please feel free to contact me or any other elder/minister in the church if you desire to receive the sacrament this coming Sunday and are neither a member of this church nor of another evangelical church.


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