Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Biblical Stewardship

For online Bible and Bible reference work, I typically use the popular site, You can now sign-up for a variety of daily and weekly devotions or newsletters. The latest weekly newsletter is by Tenth elder Bryce Bartruff, called Biblical Principles Governing Stewardship. Sign up for it here.

The one I received today looked at Malachi 3:8-12. I was expecting the standard fare in which the writer presents a lesson, but instead I was given a series of questions that take me into the passage and reflect personally how to apply. It would serve a small group well that wanted to do a series on what the Bible teaches about money and stewardship. Bryce tells me that the content of the newsletters is based on work done by the church's stewardship committee and that Janice Roberts, Brian McLelland, and Andrew Harpur were key contributors.

Don't forget that Bryce has written a book on the subject, entitled God, Your Money, and You.


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