Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fools and Fool Makers

Proverbs 10:10
Whoever winks the eye causes trouble,
but a babbling fool will come to ruin.

"Winks the eye" refers to one who plans mischief. He deceives his neighbor, perhaps in collusion with another. Even if harm is not intended, the winker may be making someone else the butt of a joke. The babbling fool appears again with the same result of verse 8: he comes to ruin. The babbler thinks he is spouting wisdom, winning respect for himself, when all he is really doing is exposing his foolishness. He cannot see himself as others see him.
But the fool, and the one who likes to make fools of others, are in the same pit of destruction. The trouble caused will come around and bring down the trouble maker. One may be able to deceive for awhile, but he will sooner or later be revealed for the kind of person he is and become more avoided than the babbling fool. The fool is recognized for what he is and can be tolerated. No one tolerates the winker who delights in making fools of others.

Satan is the great winker, seeking to make fools of God's people. Take heed of Peter’s admonition to be watchful for this lion who seeks to devour us (cf. 1 Peter 5:8).


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