Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I see in the emails that yet another survey is being prepared. This one has to do with your thoughts on the church website and other forms of electronic communication. (Your opportunity to comment on the excellencies of my blog.) I believe this will make the third survey, the other two being on young adults and vocations. I understand there has been some questions about what has yet to be addressed or omitted.
My response is to be patient. Our senior minister has been here a total of two months. And he is giving his first attention to the area we (or I anyhow) hoped he would, which is outreach. And so he is thinking, or rather drawing from us our thoughts, of whom to reach and how to reach them. At the moment the attention is on the college campuses in the city, the young adults in the city, and the vocations in the city. The intent is to support the outreach efforts of our members in these groups and circumstances.

Are there more groups and areas to address? Definitely. Both for outreach and for discipleship. Marriages need help. Families need help. Individuals facing various stages of life and of trials need support. Keep an eye on the next Tenth Press article by Chris O'Brien who is reaching out to members coping with chronic illness and pain.

But if you do have questions about the surveys or related matter, feel free to call or email me.


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