Wednesday, March 09, 2011

God's Visible Presence

From The Jesus Gospel, by Liam Goligher.

Love for others is an outworking of the gospel. It is seeing what God has done for me in spite of all my unworthiness and then my treating others with the same grace with which I have been treated myself. He loved us when we were still sinners. He did not withdraw from us but drew near to us. This transforms my attitude to difficult people. It makes me patient with those who do not grasp the Bible's teaching but still struggle with doubts, sensitive to those who struggle with sinful choices.

True unity and oneness and active love among Jesus' people are the only visible evidence God will give to people in our day of his presence in the world. And as our love for one another is active, actually reaching out to others, making sacrifices for others, serving others, so people see something of that great love with which he has loved us.


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