Thursday, January 06, 2011

More on the Process

More thoughts from the Pastoral Selection Committee.

Julie Strohlein
This process has encouraged me in so many ways. First, given that I have a typically busy life, I thought the work required would be "work"; that is, just one more task to cram into my day. What I found instead was great encouragement and energy when I read or listened to God's Word from so many faithful men that I had not known before.  Second, working with such a dedicated and careful committee was wonderful. Developing love and respect for my fellow members was one of my favorite things! Lastly, God has shown me how important it is to not only trust him, but to also trust his timing. In my own small mind, I might have rushed decisions. By trusting and waiting, I know that God gently and graciously revealed his choice when we (or at least I) were ready to listen!


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