Monday, December 21, 2009

Trustees Report

Trustees Report:

The Trustees report the encouraging news that as of Novemeber 30, our YTD expenses were about $95,000 less than what was budgeted for the same period. (Amazing how much you can save when you don't let staff take home office supplies!) However, December is a high expense month due to Christmas and other year-end activities. So we look to the Lord, as always to provide the resources for his work at Tenth.

Contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 to be credited in 2009. Those wishing to give to Tenth may do so through regular church offerings, the oak boxes available at each exit door of the sanctuary, online giving via the Tenth website, mailing in checks, and personally delivering their offerings to the church office during business hours on Deember 28-30.


Anonymous Jessie Yang said...

Please note that any cash placed in the oak box goes to the Project of the Month - not to the church's budgets. If you wish to give to the church's budgets via the oak box, please designate your offering on the memo line of the check or by using a pew envelope and writing your designation on the envelope.

9:55 AM  

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