Monday, June 15, 2009

GA Twittering

Someone is twittering (tweeting?) General Assembly. I've been trying to find info about webcasting, but have had no luck. Here is the website. If you find more info, let me know. So here's a twitter(?):

Dr. Phil Ryken of Tenth Pres in Philadelphia is elected chairman of the Overtures Committee. Bruce McDowell is there, as well as Paul Tripp.


Blogger John Voorhis said...

The GA is not being webcast (I'm hoping to help them remedy that for next year)

Therefore, it’s worthwhile to follow all of the conversations around the Gen. Assembly in Twitter by setting up a search for #pcaga ( . This works even if you are not using Twitter and it’s real time.

And don't forget Tenth's Twitter Accounts:,, and

8:49 PM  
Blogger John Voorhis said...

Paul Tripp can be found on twitter too:, as can Ligon Duncan, John Piper, Ligonier and Tabletalk, Derek Thomas, Modern Reformation and White Horse Inn, and others.

8:56 PM  
Blogger John Voorhis said...

I have put together a quick overview on how to get the most out of Twitter for the PCA GA (useful for other conferences, topics, etc. too):

11:56 AM  

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