Tuesday, February 03, 2009



If you have time, could you write a blog about the WBE this week – what it is, and encouraging people to pray?


Sure thing! I googled WBE and came up with the following:
Women's Business Enterprise
World Boxing Empire
World Business Exchange
Warner Bros. Entertainment
Wet Behind the Ear
Wavelength Bypass Edge

None of these seem quite right, although Wet Behind the Ear may come the closest. Our WBE is Workshop on Biblical Exposition. We have about 40 ministers coming in to receive ongoing training in expository preaching. Along with hearing presentations on how to do expository preaching, they gather in small groups to present sermon outlines and receive critique. Yes, it starts off a little scary, but before long the small group sessions become the more fun exercises. Why? Because the participants get caught up in the study of Scripture.

The secret behind the preaching conference is that it is really a Bible study conference. The premise is that the best preaching comes from the best study of Scripture. If you get the point of the biblical passage right, you are most likely to come up with the best sermon.

Aaron Messner will be one of the speakers, by the way, and one of the small group leaders. And he brought his family with him.

If you want more information about WBE, go to the Simeon Trust website which puts on the workshops.


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