Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Saturday NIght Fun

Our second annual Missionopoly night is coming up this Saturday at 5:30 pm. (Registration begins at 5:00.) You can form your own team (5-6) or join one on the spot. Dinner will be provided in the form of generous samples located throughout the building. (Sort of like walking through Whole Foods or Wegmans). All this for the "suggested donation" of $4 an individual or $16 a team.

Here is my review posted for last year's Missionopoly. Check out the photos as well.

What a fun Saturday evening! Missionopoly was fantastic! I must admit I was a bit skeptical months ago when I heard that opening night of the Missions Conference would be a game. It turned out to be a great event in several ways I can think of:
- Got the different generations interacting with one another
- Got everyone involved in meeting the global partners
- Got the most interest and involvement in the displays
- Kept up everyone's interest throughout the evening
- Got many people involved through helping with the booths
- Brought in Carroll Wynne from sabbatical to lead his team to victory

Missionopoly Photos
Photos for the Missionopoly event are at


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