Friday, September 01, 2006

International Ministry Training

Do you want to get more actively involved in ministry? Here is a great opportunity for you. Tenth International Fellowship is organizing an International Ministry Training on Saturday, Sept.9! The training will be held on the third floor of 315 South 17th Street (across the street from Tenth Presbyterian Church), from 9 am to 1 pm.

The training will cover four subjects: English tutoring, hospitality, leading Bible Study, and understanding different worldviews. Our speakers include Kathy Bell, Nicholas Lamelza, Dr. & Mrs. Robert Hormann, Dr. Nasrat Ghattas, Deborah Langford, and Dr. John Leonard.

There is no cost to participating in this training. However, a free will offering will be collected, as well as token contribution for optional luncheon. Please do not let this golden opportunity go. Please register with Eunice Wong at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds great! I am unable to attend though--will it be offered again sometime?

2:31 PM  

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