Monday, May 08, 2006

Missions House Request

For months, Tenth's Missions House has been undergoing renovations and is coming to the wire for its Open House scheduled May 20. Bob Lang sent in this request for help to meet the dealine:

We are coming down the home stretch on work to be done at the Missions House. Would you please post on your blog our need for volunteers this Thursday evening and Saturday? The work will mostly be sanding and painting. Details are below.

My name is Bob Lang and I will be in charge of the work projects scheduled for this Thursday and Saturday. These projects will mostly be prep of and painting for the following:
Back porch, Garage door and trim, Front porch trim (side railings and around door), Front porch floor, Front railing, Living room ceiling (possibly)

Would you please respond ASAP and let me know whether you have any of the following:
Tarps, Ladders (if so, what size?), Paint brushes, Sand paper and sanding blocks, scrapers, Orbital sander(s), extension cords, Electric drill (and, if you have them) sanding attachments

Finally, would you let me know if and when you can come and whether you can recruit other helpers? With enough of us, we can make fairly quick work of this. I will be there beginning at 5 PM on Thursday and again at 8 AM on Saturday. Thanks for your prompt response.
H: (610) 876-8554
M: (610) 745-0248


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