Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Dead in Christ

From "Mediation. 2 Cor. 5.14. If one died for all then are all Dead"

Oh! Good, Good, Good, my Lord. What more Love yet.
Thou dy for mee! What, am I dead in thee?
What did Deaths arrow shot at me thee hit?
Didst slip between that flying shaft and mee?
Didst make thyselfe Deaths marke shot at for mee?
So that her Shaft shall fly no far than thee?

Di'dst dy for mee indeed, and in thy Death
Take in thy Dying thus my death the Cause?
And lay I dying in thy Dying breath,
According to Graces Redemption Laws?
If one did dy for all, it needs must bee
That all did dy in one, and from death free.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like Edward Taylor to me. Excellent choice, Marion. Do you think you will be posting more of his poetry?


10:06 AM  
Blogger M Clark said...

Yes it is. I neglected to credit him. Perhaps I will post more. This week am posting poems that lead us to reflect on the cross.

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved covering his poetry when I was an American Lit. teacher. The discovery of his work really changed the face of American Letters when it was discovered in the Yale library attic in the mid-20th Century. Personally, I think he ranks up there with the great metaphysicals of England; yep, that's right, right up there with Donne and Herbert. Thanks for your series of poetry this past week.

11:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too have been enjoying the poetry of Donne,Herbert and Taylor!
(I must have learned something sitting in that American Lit class Susan!)
Thanks Marion, for taking the time, and this venue to help focus our minds on the great work the Lord has done for us.

11:51 PM  

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