Monday, April 17, 2006

Another Witnessing Stephen

Sent in by Bill Maun:

An Easter week story that had to be shared. A week ago last night Stephen, a member of our Bible class at the prison said he had spoken to his father on the phone because he was concerned with his father's health, both physically and spiritually. Stephen shared with his father his testimony, in what Christ has done for him, the Lord also wants to do for his father, his dad broke down and cried on the phone. Stephen's dad was planning to attend church on Palm Sunday along with his younger brother. Last night, at our Bible study Stephen shared with the class how richly God blessed him at his sentencing. There were a number present, one in particular was a man who testified to the Judge about the potential he saw in Stephen, he would train Stephen personally and employ him. This man came all the way from the state of Virginia. Now, the perfect climax that God had already arranged to this story.Stephen said he had received around twelve months and after that relatively short period of time he plans to come and worship at Tenth Church. He asked me at what time I attended church and where I sat, he was hoping we could worship together. So Stephen and I are praying that God would grant us this opportunity, to worship Him together at Tenth Church. "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him". And "we preach Christ Crucified".

To God Be The Glory! , Bill


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