Tuesday, March 07, 2006

On Being a Christian Legislator

That's the topic of a symposium Thursday, March 16, 7:30-9:00pm.

The featured speaker is Stewart J. Greenleaf, a state senator representing the 12th Senatorial District of Pennsylvania (comprised of parts of Montgomery and Bucks Counties). Formerly a member of the PA House (1977-1978), and now in the PA Senate for the last 28 years, presently serving as the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. In addition to numerous responsibilities, he is a board member of SEPTA. Senator Greenleaf is also an active member of Calvary Church (PCA) in Willow Grove. In October 1994 his 'A Christian in Politics' appeared in New Horizons (15.9, pages 5-6), the magazine of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.


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