From the 1983 Annual Report
The pastoral and office staff moved during the summer into 1701 Delancey Place as renovations continued on that building. The nursery was moved into the former main office suite and Bible School classes were held at various homes nearby and at Plays & Players in addition to the Navy Mothers Club.
For the Session,
Clive Stockdale
Tenth Presbyterian Church's newest educational venture and service to the city community opned September 8, 1983, with eight students in the initial ninth grade class... The school has been fortunate in securing outstanding teachers... Mrs. Linda Boice (English), Miss Caecilie Foelster (typing), Mr. Noel Hubler (Latin), Mr. John Parrott (history), Mr. Scott Stringfellow (algebra, biology, sports), Miss Kathe Umlauf (art) and Mr. Philip Vandermeer (library science).
Respectfully submitted,
James M. Boice
Many changes and developments have occurred in the international student ministry this year. Bruce McDowell was hired by the church at the request of the international student committee to direct and coordinate the program...
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce McDowell
Coupled with more space and increased options for ministry, technological innovation arrived as well. The church purchased a micro-computer system which when fully operational will assist in financial, membership, letter wrting and other time-intensive duties. Again, a dedicated group from the body is committed to working with the staff to derive maximum benefit in utilizing this machine.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Harder
Chairman (Trustees)
For the Session,
Clive Stockdale
Tenth Presbyterian Church's newest educational venture and service to the city community opned September 8, 1983, with eight students in the initial ninth grade class... The school has been fortunate in securing outstanding teachers... Mrs. Linda Boice (English), Miss Caecilie Foelster (typing), Mr. Noel Hubler (Latin), Mr. John Parrott (history), Mr. Scott Stringfellow (algebra, biology, sports), Miss Kathe Umlauf (art) and Mr. Philip Vandermeer (library science).
Respectfully submitted,
James M. Boice
Many changes and developments have occurred in the international student ministry this year. Bruce McDowell was hired by the church at the request of the international student committee to direct and coordinate the program...
Respectfully submitted,
Bruce McDowell
Coupled with more space and increased options for ministry, technological innovation arrived as well. The church purchased a micro-computer system which when fully operational will assist in financial, membership, letter wrting and other time-intensive duties. Again, a dedicated group from the body is committed to working with the staff to derive maximum benefit in utilizing this machine.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Harder
Chairman (Trustees)
"The church purchased a micro-computer system which when fully operational will assist in financial, membership, letter writing and other time-intensive duties. Again, a dedicated group from the body is committed to working with the staff to derive maximum benefit in utilizing this machine."
The beginning of the long lineage of the IT committee? Hopefully we've gotten that system fully operational by now!
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