Ministry Transitions
I've posted in the Comments section ministry transitions in the PCA (i.e. ministers changing churches). You'll find Kevin Smith in the list.
This site is for communicating with the members and friends of Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia. D. Marion Clark, Executive Minister Email:
Aaron Baker, from assistant pastor to senior pastor of Covenant PC in Chicago.
Hunter Brewer, from assistant pastor of Lakeland PC in Brandon, MS to assistant pastor of Pear Orchard PC in Ridgeland, MS.
Bob Brunson, from out of bounds at Church of the Apostles in Atlanta, GA to assistant pastor of Highlands PC in Ridgeland, MS.
Matthew Cadora, from assistant pastor of Intown Community Church in Decatur, GA to pastor of Faith PC in Cincinnati, OH.
Harry Cooksey, from without call to field representative with PCA RBI in Lawrenceville, GA.
King Counts, from pastor of Mountain View PC in Chattanooga, TN to pastor of Carlisle Reformed PC in Carlisle, PA.
William Dempsey, from pastor of New Port PC in Washington, MO to pastor of Grace PC in Ft. Payne, AL.
Charles Garland, from pastor of Intown PC in Portland, OR to pastor of Ivy Creek PC in Lawrenceville, GA.
Eric Greene, from assistant pastor of Westminster PC in Baton Rouge, LA to pastor of Thomson Memorial PC in Centreville, MS.
John Hall, from Trinity PC in Charlottesville, VA to World Harvest Mission.
Bernhard Kuiper, from pastor of Thomson Memorial PC in Centreville, MS to stated supply of Christ Covenant PC in Matthews, NC.
Don Owsley, from the OPC, to pastor of Cornerstone PC in Artesia, CA.
Mike Potts, newly received, to senior pastor of Northwest PC in Dublin, OH.
Barksdale Pullen, from associate pastor of Kirk of the Hills PC in St. Louis, MO to assistant pastor of Wildwood PC in Tallahassee, FL.
Gary Purdy, newly ordained, to pastor of North Shore Fellowship in Chattanooga, TN.
Jim Roberts, from associate pastor of Westminster PC in Huntsville, AL to pastor of Westminster PC in Clinton, SC.
George Robertson, from senior pastor of Covenant PC in St. Louis, MO to senior pastor of First PC in Augusta, GA.
Kevin Smith, from organizing pastor of Mt. Zion Covenant PC in Bowie, MD to pastor of Pinelands PC in Miami, FL.
Adam Tisdale, newly ordained, to assistant pastor of Calvary PC in Norfolk, VA.
Greg Thompson, from RUF campus minister to senior pastor of Trinity PC in Charlottesville, VA.
Sean Whitenack, newly ordained, to assistant pastor of New Life in Christ PC in Fredericksburg, VA.
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