In the Mail
The staff is busy preparing the congregational mailing to go out this week. It will include a letter from our senior minister, the list of nominees for elder, deacon/ness, and nominating committee. And it will have a condensed version of the church budget.
Why condensed? So you can more easily get the whole picture of the budget and how it is apportioned. I think you will find it helpful. Copies of the detailed budget will be available as always in the lobbies and at the congregational forum (Nov 27, 12:30) and congregational meeting (Dec 2, 7:30 pm).
What you will not be getting are the pledge cards. Instead, you will receive later materials that will help you determine how to apportion your giving to the budgets and help you in planning how to give. We believe that you want to tithe, and we will be providing aid throughout the year to help you achieve that goal. We will do that by being more publicly accountable in our stewardship (how the budgets are carrying on the ministry of the church) and by providing practical assistance in helping you be accountable to God for your stewardship of what he has given you.
Why condensed? So you can more easily get the whole picture of the budget and how it is apportioned. I think you will find it helpful. Copies of the detailed budget will be available as always in the lobbies and at the congregational forum (Nov 27, 12:30) and congregational meeting (Dec 2, 7:30 pm).
What you will not be getting are the pledge cards. Instead, you will receive later materials that will help you determine how to apportion your giving to the budgets and help you in planning how to give. We believe that you want to tithe, and we will be providing aid throughout the year to help you achieve that goal. We will do that by being more publicly accountable in our stewardship (how the budgets are carrying on the ministry of the church) and by providing practical assistance in helping you be accountable to God for your stewardship of what he has given you.
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