Friday, September 09, 2005

A Report from A Relief Worker

Over Labor Day, 14 men from Trinity and Eastwood Presbyterian Churches in Montgomery, Ala., went to Biloxi and Gulfport, two cities devastated by Hurricane Katrina. John Acken, an attorney and former (always) Marine and member of Trinity, wrote the following analysis.

Like millions across the country, I watched in horror as Americans sat cut off waiting for help without food, water and medical aid. I could not believe that less than a four-hour drive from Montgomery, Americans lives were in jeopardy because they did not have access to basic necessities. I learned that Trinity Presbyterian Church and Eastwood Presbyterian Church had partnered to send volunteers to Biloxi. At 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, fourteen of us headed south in five trucks stuffed with bottled water, basic provisions, chainsaws and enough gasoline to get us there and back.


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