Thursday, September 29, 2005

In the News

Got this email notice from byFaith, the PCA's magazine. Tenth member Sheryl Woods Olsen and Bill Edgar, Westminster professor and occasional Tenth attender are featured in the latest edition. Here is what is said about them:

"We enjoy good company and a good laugh. But real entertainment, William Edgar says, is not an escape or a distraction. For the Christian “it is a profound reflection of the presence of God.” We’ve heard rumors that there are Presbyterians who actually laugh and play. If true, then their fun, when it is fully enjoyed, should be deeper and more satisfying than the world’s.

"Sheryl Woods, a member of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, sings opera—not because she craves riches or fame, but because “beauty and truth are things we desperately need, and art is one of the ways they come into the culture.”

In this issue you’ll be reminded that when we do all these ordinary things for the glory of God we become more engaged in culture, not more withdrawn. We become more interested in the arts and society, not more detached. And, as Denis Haack reminds us, while the offense of the cross always remains, we (and the gospel) sometimes become more attractive to a watching world. "


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