Friday, July 22, 2005

The Ways of God

Saw this on Christiana's blog:

My little team is taking a break from the hot sun. we have had an exhausting, excitıng, overwhelming week so far. we knew things were too easy when Philadelphia security let us through in no time flat...our plane was a bit late out of philly which meant that we arrived in paris with a tiny bit of time to make our connection. we took a bus to a terminal and then to another terminal, and if you’ve ever been to that airport, i recommend planning a long connection time. we missed the flight and stood in the transfer line for two hours. we were booked onto the next flight which meant another 7 hours in the airport. we had vouchers for lunch, and the time we had as a team was, ın retrospect, essential to the rest of our trip. Ari, Kristi, Tim, Maria, and I played a three hour game of spades. neverendıng! just having to hang out with each other during that time prepared us to spend time as a team. The flight to our destination was smooth and all was well until we lined up to get visas and Linda couldn’t find her passport. Everything was searched, but nothing was found. Jonathan and I stayed behind with her, while the team went ahead to meet up wıth John, who had brought Brian P with him. After some time, they headed for the hotel, when it was clear that Linda would not be joining the rest that night. We understood she would have to go back to Paris and perhaps back to the US if the passport was not found. JOnathan eventually sent me on to the hotel, and Maria was asked to go to Paris with Linda if that were necessary. It was. So, for the first three days, our team was really in a state of some upheaval, yet God showed us more of himself then we would have known otherwise. Team members came together and dealt with problems, helped each other out ın amazing ways (you should hear the tales from Paris!), and began to adjust to our new situation. Linada and Maria got back on Monday night thankfully!

I don’t have time to tell all (or even most) of the tales today, but one of my highlights was my team of Amber, George, and Chrıs L. spending a whole afternoon with a family at their carpet shop. We ran into one brother on the street, began asking him questions about carpets, and he asked us to come see his brother a ways away.


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