Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Church Transitions

Grace Chapel is a PCA church on Henry Avenue in the Manayunk/Roxboro vicinity. It came out of the Episcopal Reformed denomination a few years ago. This past Sunday, the congregation, which has shrunk to a dozen worshippers, voted to merge with Pilgrim OPC Church, pending Pilgrim's joining the PCA. This coming Sunday, Pilgrim is voting on the question of joining our denomination. Please pray for that congregational meeting.


Blogger Joel said...

Hmm. Pilgrim's about two blocks from us, but I've never attended there. Any idea what it's like?

2:23 PM  
Blogger M Clark said...

No, I don't. Phil, however, knows and respects the minister.

4:37 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Thanks. I've heard good things about the Rev. Dr. Gross too, but don't know much about the congregation or worship.

8:21 AM  

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