Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Billy Graham and the Last Crusade

That is the title for Phil Ryken's Window on the World. I would be interested to hear of anyone's experiences related to Billy Graham. I walked down the aisle at a Graham crusade in Charlotte, N.C., April 9, 1972 and prayed to receive Christ with a Davidson College student.


Blogger pdug said...

"related to Billy Graham"... hmm

Does it count if I told you that in the context I grew up in Graham was suspect because he had liberal christians share the stage with him to coordinate his crusades, and he told people to go to the "church of their choice".

I also hear him charged as Arminian, though one presentation i heard seemed to stress inability suprisingly hard.

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last Crusade in Philadelphia was in the late 1980's where I was very active in bringing this crusade to Philadelphia and helping to make it work. I actaully worked in the Philadelphia office for about 6 months leading up to the crusade, coordinating follow up training, preparing advertising and other literature and also served as the transportation coordinator during the crusade. It was a great experience being involved in ministry in this way.
Joe Brydges

3:27 PM  

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