Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Duncan's War

Were you unsure what Pastor Goligher was referring to when he talked about“crown and covenant” in his sermon illustration about a marker for three dead boys this past Sunday?  Well, if you or your kids want an easy way to learn more about it, come down to the church library and borrow “Duncan’s War”  by Douglas Bond.  It is the first novel in a three book series called “Crown and Covenant” set in 1666 that follows the family of a young Scottish Covenanter probably not much different from the boys commemorated by that marker. You can also purchase these books online. They would be a nice cold winter night read-aloud for your family to enjoy together while learning about the history of our faith and the land of Scotland, which might give you insight into Pastor Goligher too!
(submitted by Sylvia Duggan for Tenth Church library)


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