Thursday, December 20, 2012

Noisy Celebration

Paul Jones is getting a little wild this Christmas. He is having 16 percussionists to play one song for the Lessons and Carols Services. Percussionists are musicians who hit and shake things. I suspect they will be using instruments, as opposed to the trash cans and matchstick boxes I saw the folks on "Stomp" use. Don't forget the time of both services - 7:15. You who are experienced know that being out front when the doors open at 6:30 is the best way to obtain seating.

Those services are maxed out each year, but there is a third service with room, though each year continues to climb in numbers. That is the Tenth Family Service, which is designed specifically for kids - many, many kids. You still get the Westminster Brass and the children's choirs (and many, many kids). That service begins at 4:30 on the 24th.


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