Monday, October 03, 2011

Communicants Class

I am the next teacher to speak to the new communicants class Sunday, October 9. My topic is public worship. There are thirty students, half of whom are from New Jersey, Parish 6. Here is the schedule:


September 18              Introduction to the Class                                 Dr. Goligher   
September 25              The Gospel and Salvation                               Mr. Canavan
October 2                    Private Worship                                               Mr. Polen
October 9                    Public Worship                                                Rev. Clark
October 16                  Sacraments                                                      Rev. Wynne
October 23                  Reformed Theology                                         Mr. Delong
                                    *Written Testimonies are due*
October 30                  Reformation History                                        Dr. McFarland
November 6                Presbyterian Roots                                          Dr. McFarland
November 13              History of Tenth Presbyterian                         Dr. McFarland
November 20              Stewardship (gifts, time, and finances)            Mr. Ferner
                             *Essay on Church Membership due*
November 27              Evangelism and Outreach                               Dr. Goligher   
December 11               Public vows                                                    Mr. Canavan
December 18               Testimony before Elders


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