Wednesday, June 08, 2011

GA Tenth Report

Am at General Assembly in Virginia Beach. Feel like a Secret Service agent trying to keep an eye on the president who keeps slipping away. I had him under watch this morning as he scooped up books in the bookstore, but somehow he then slipped away. If he returns to Philadelphia with a deep tan or sunburn, we'll know where he spent most of his time.

Brian Esterly and I had lunch with Phil Ryken and Aaron Messner. Aaron is sporting a nice beard along my style. His four kids are doing well, and Nancy is expecting a fifth.

Spoke with former Tenth staff Kevin Smith and Drew DiNardo. I understand that Jerry McFarland is here. Doug Logan is making a scene...I mean, on the scene. Saw Nick Batzig from a distance. Pat Canavan was in the exhibition hall picking up as many free goodies as he could find.

Hope to find Liam before the day is out.


Blogger C.Brubaker said...

Thankyou thankyou thankyou for keeping a running commentary on, well, just about everyone! It is GREAT to know who has been able to attend and a wonderful reminder to be praying for them all ( yes...AND you too!) while y'all are there.
Cannot wait to have you and Ginger home again.

5:13 PM  

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