Monday, October 18, 2010

New York Times and our GO Conference

This year's Global Outreach Conference, November 6-14, will focus on Asia, especially East Asia. It's a great opportunity to explore one of the largest unreached people groups as well as the persecuted church.

Turns out, everyone is talking about East Asia this days! The New York Times published a fascinating article yesterday--"Japan Goes From Dynamic to Disheartened: Retrenchment offers the West a grim vision of the future" by Martin Fackler. Fackler examines economic life in Japan after their property and speculative stock bubbles burst a decade ago. (Kudos to Sue H. for passing this on--article submissions always welcome!)

As you read it, consider what opportunities and challenges for gospel work this economic climate may present to our partners in Japan. What types of struggles may their neighbors and contacts face? What might people hope for? Where might our partners find openings for the gospel?

And what about you, as you interact with your neighbors and contacts, in the midst of our own economic uncertainty? What opportunities may God be giving you to share hope?


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