Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Presbytery Examination

Philadelphia Presbytery meets tonight. Duties of the presbytery include examining and overseeing the preparation of men for the ministry. Two Tenth members will be examined tonight. John Sullivan will be examined to come under care of presbytery. This is the first step towards eventual ordination. John will be examined on his Christian testimony and sense of call to the ministry.

Robert Polen will be examined for licensure, the step below ordination and one required for a person preaching in the pulpit. Robert's examination is more extensive and demanding than John's. He has already passed written examination, as well as an extensive oral examination by the credentialing committee. Tonight is the final stand! He will be answering (hopefully) questions in doctrine, Bible, and church government.

By the way, the moderator of presbytery is none other than Tenth elder Brian "Rule with an Iron Hand" Esterly.


Blogger C.Brubaker said...

We will be praying for John and Brian as they take these important steps! And for Brian and the rest of the men at Presbytery as they work together after a long day of working their regular jobs.
We don't take any of this for granted! Thankyou!

3:02 PM  

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